
Name Category Description Status
Bookmarklets AEM Helpful AEM scripts run from a bookmarks Stable
Snapshot AEM Save the current state of a section of for analysis Beta
Snapshot search AEM Search meta fields of AEM nodes Alpha
Snapshot HTML search AEM Search raw HTML of AEM nodes using jQuery Beta
Snapshot match count AEM Count text or regular expression matches in AEM nodes Beta
Feed Generator 2 Maple Leaf Compiles JSON feed of articles Stable
Carousel Maple Leaf Generate carousel HTML Alpha
Tags Maple Leaf Search the full list of tags used on the Maple Leaf Stable
Gallery Maple Leaf Generate image gallery HTML Stable
Article QA Maple Leaf Analyze an article for common issues Stable
CANFORGENS Mobile App Process raw canforgens to JSON Alpha
JSON editor Mobile App Text editor for static JSON content Beta
Feed Generator 2 Western Sentinel Compiles JSON feed of articles from AEM Stable
Table Cleanup Other Table editor that provides scoping and a visual editor Stable
Footnote Generator Other Generate WET Style footnotes from inputted HTML Stable